Who Is Lucille?

Who Is Lucille From The Christian Children’s Book ‘Not To Worry Lucille’?

Who is Lucille? Lucille is the child in all of us with questions as to life’s mysteries and uncertainties. Her faith is explored as she contemplates the seasons, God’s earthly creation and the love of family. Lucille can teach us some lessons on how to communicate faith to children having survived the pandemic. Moreover, Lucille can help us dial down the larger and complex nature of global events to the need for a personal belief in the Almighty Creator. This brings me to discuss ways to introduce faith to children and meet their need for hope, reassurance, and support in the pandemic through the Christian Children's BookNot To Worry Lucille’.

It may help the child in your life, son, daughter, niece, nephew, cousin, mentee, or patient to explain what faith means to you. Introduce the concept of faith as a personal testimony of how it aids with life’s challenges. It helps to personalize faith as a helpful tool in the small and large elements of life with questions answered and those that remain.

As well, it is important to name the challenges of life that are met with actionable faith. These trials include grieving the dead, loosing friends, and instability due to food and economic crisis. Acknowledge feelings of fear, sadness, or confusion about the situation. Remind them faith is one of many coping skills used to navigate life.

Children still respond well to storytelling, be it the brief anecdote or lengthy allegory. Stories are a great way to teach children about faith. Share stories from your own life or from religious texts that demonstrate how faith has helped people overcome. For example, you could tell them about how your faith helped you get through a difficult time or read them a story from a religious book that shows how faith helped someone overcome adversity.

In addition, the teaching of faith through prayer is a powerful tool to enable children to work past their emotions. Adopting prayer as a means of accepting the limits of human nature while at the same time using prayer to support resilience in action is a means of coping. Encourage your child to pray or meditate regularly, either on their own or with your guidance. This can help them feel closer to their faith and find comfort in difficult times. Empower children that the action of faith and endurance in faith honors those who support them through the challenges of the pandemic.

In this regard, the practice of faith is a lesson in hope. It affords the opportunity to be hopeful for one’s person, family, and community.  Emphasize the importance of staying connected with their religious community, even if it is through virtual gatherings. Encourage your child to reach out to friends and family members who share their faith, as this can provide a sense of belonging and support. Children learn by example, so it is important to model faith in action. Show your child how you put your faith into practice by helping others, being kind, and staying positive even in difficult times. This can inspire your child to do the same and help them develop a deeper understanding of their faith.

In conclusion, explaining faith to children during the pandemic can be challenging, but it is important to help them feel connected to their beliefs during this difficult time.

We invite your child to explore their faith through our christian children's book. ‘Not To Worry Lucille’ is available everywhere books are sold. Pick up your copy today at Childverse, Inc.


Working with Dr. Linda Gordon, a Child Mental Health Advocate


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